Nutrition in Plants Class 7 MCQ

MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants

1. Which of the following components of food provides energy to organisms?

   a) Carbohydrates

   b) Proteins

   c) Fats

   d) All of the above

   Answer: d) All of the above

2. The process by which autotrophic green plants make their own food is called:

   a) Digestion

   b) Respiration

   c) Photosynthesis

   d) Assimilation

   Answer: c) Photosynthesis

3. Where does photosynthesis primarily occur in plants?

   a) Roots

   b) Stems

   c) Leaves

   d) Flowers

   Answer: c) Leaves

4. What is the main pigment responsible for capturing sunlight during photosynthesis?

   a) Melanin

   b) Chlorophyll

   c) Hemoglobin

   d) Xanthophyll

   Answer: b) Chlorophyll

5. Which type of nutrition involves organisms making their own food?

   a) Heterotrophic nutrition

   b) Autotrophic nutrition

   c) Holozoic nutrition

   d) Saprophytic nutrition

   Answer: b) Autotrophic nutrition

6. Organisms that cannot prepare their own food and depend on other organisms for food are called:

   a) Autotrophs

   b) Heterotrophs

   c) Decomposers

   d) Producers

   Answer: b) Heterotrophs

7. Which gas is required for photosynthesis?

   a) Oxygen

   b) Carbon dioxide

   c) Nitrogen

   d) Hydrogen

   Answer: b) Carbon dioxide

8. Which of the following is not a component of food?

   a) Vitamins

   b) Minerals

   c) Water

   d) Cellulose

   Answer: c) Water

9. What is the primary source of food for humans and animals?

   a) Fruits and vegetables

   b) Meat and dairy products

   c) Nuts and seeds

   d) Green plants

   Answer: d) Green plants

10. Which process involves the breakdown of food and release of energy in organisms?

    a) Respiration

    b) Excretion

    c) Reproduction

    d) Photosynthesis

    Answer: a) Respiration

11. What are the structural and functional units of all living organisms?

   a) Organs

   b) Tissues

   c) Cells

   d) Systems

   Answer: c) Cells

12. Which part of the cell is responsible for capturing energy from sunlight during photosynthesis?

   a) Nucleus

   b) Cell membrane

   c) Cytoplasm

   d) Chloroplasts

   Answer: d) Chloroplasts

13. Where does photosynthesis primarily occur in green plants?

   a) Roots

   b) Stems

   c) Leaves

   d) Flowers

   Answer: c) Leaves

14. What is the main product of photosynthesis?

   a) Glucose

   b) Oxygen

   c) Starch

   d) Protein

   Answer: a) Glucose

15. Which gas is taken in by plants during photosynthesis?

   a) Oxygen

   b) Carbon dioxide

   c) Nitrogen

   d) Hydrogen

   Answer: b) Carbon dioxide

16. Which substance surrounds the nucleus of a cell?

   a) Cell membrane

   b) Cytoplasm

   c) Chloroplasts

   d) Stomata

   Answer: b) Cytoplasm

17. Which is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms?

   a) Sunlight

   b) Water

   c) Air

   d) Soil

   Answer: a) Sunlight

18. What is the primary food material produced by photosynthesis?

   a) Starch

   b) Protein

   c) Fats

   d) Minerals

   Answer: a) Starch

19. Which type of plants obtain their food from other plants or animals?

   a) Autotrophic plants

   b) Heterotrophic plants

   c) Parasitic plants

   d) Carnivorous plants

   Answer: c) Parasitic plants

20. How do parasitic plants obtain their food?

    a) Through photosynthesis

    b) By absorbing nutrients from the soil

    c) By consuming other organisms

    d) From other plants or animals

    Answer: d) From other plants or animals

21. Which element is essential for the synthesis of proteins in plants?

    a) Carbon

    b) Hydrogen

    c) Oxygen

    d) Nitrogen

    Answer: d) Nitrogen

22. Which nutrient is stored in the form of oil in some plant seeds?

    a) Starch

    b) Glucose

    c) Proteins

    d) Fats

    Answer: d) Fats

23. What are plants called that trap and digest insects for their nutrition?

   a) Autotrophic plants

   b) Heterotrophic plants

   c) Carnivorous plants

   d) Symbiotic plants

   Answer: c) Carnivorous plants

24. Which part of the carnivorous plant traps insects?

   a) Roots

   b) Leaves

   c) Flowers

   d) Stems

   Answer: b) Leaves

25. What do carnivorous plants lack that they obtain from insects?

   a) Water

   b) Carbon dioxide

   c) Nitrogen

   d) Oxygen

   Answer: c) Nitrogen

26. Which mode of nutrition involves obtaining nutrients from dead and decaying matter?

   a) Autotrophic nutrition

   b) Heterotrophic nutrition

   c) Symbiotic nutrition

   d) Saprotrophic nutrition

   Answer: d) Saprotrophic nutrition

27. Which group of organisms includes fungi that obtain nutrients from dead matter?

   a) Autotrophs

   b) Heterotrophs

   c) Carnivores

   d) Herbivores

   Answer: b) Heterotrophs

28. What type of plants are fungi like mushrooms that grow on dead and decaying matter?

   a) Carnivorous plants

   b) Symbiotic plants

   c) Saprotrophic plants

   d) Insectivorous plants

   Answer: c) Saprotrophic plants

29. What is the association called in which algae and fungus live together?

   a) Symbiosis

   b) Parasitism

   c) Commensalism

   d) Mutualism

   Answer: d) Mutualism

30. Which bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into water-soluble nitrogen compounds for plants?

   a) Rhizobium bacteria

   b) Nitrosomonas bacteria

   c) E. coli bacteria

   d) Streptococcus bacteria

   Answer: a) Rhizobium bacteria

31. Where do Rhizobium bacteria live in plants?

   a) Leaves

   b) Flowers

   c) Stems

   d) Root nodules

   Answer: d) Root nodules

32. What is the benefit of the association between Rhizobium bacteria and leguminous plants?

    a) Bacteria provide food for plants

    b) Plants provide shelter for bacteria

    c) Plants provide nitrogen for bacteria

    d) Both plants and bacteria provide each other with benefits

    Answer: d) Both plants and bacteria provide each other with benefits

33. What is the significance of the association between Rhizobium bacteria and leguminous plants for farmers?

    a) It increases crop yield

    b) It eliminates the need for water irrigation

    c) It reduces the need for nitrogen fertilizers

    d) It enhances soil fertility

    Answer: c) It reduces the need for nitrogen fertilizers

Nutrition in Plants Online MCQ Class 7

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